Like other minerals, iodine found in the food that we eat. Iodine is one of the first minerals recognized as essential minerals for good health. Iodine is a trace mineral that is important to maintain the health of the thyroid gland, which kills harmful bacteria, forming hormone (thyroxine) and provide energy.
When the amount of thyroid hormone in serum decreased, the pituitary gland will release thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) which stimulates the thyroid gland to produce more thyroxine. This causes enlargement of the thyroid gland, known as simple goiter, which is accompanied by swelling of the feet or toes, enlarged glands, excessive hunger, neuralgic pain in the heart, etc..
Another sign of iodine deficiency include slow reflexes, deafness, and trouble concentrating. Iodine deficiency affects physical and mental health, obesity, and hardening of the arteries. Lack of dietary iodine can also lead to anemia, fatigue, loss of interest in sex, slowed heart rate, low blood pressure, and elevated triglycerides or cholesterol that can cause heart disease.
Children who lack iodine will experience growth retardation (stunted), and retarded intelligence.

Health Benefits Of Iodine
1. Helping Process Metabolism
This mineral is necessary for the synthesis of thyroxine and triodotironin hormones secreted by the thyroid gland. Thyroxine controls the body's metabolism and oxygen consumption of the tissues of the body, to control the use of sugar, regulate the level of energy production and help the body's optimal growth.
2. Prevent Hair Loss
Iodine can trigger hair loss because it directly affects the thyroid gland, which in turn affect the health of hair follicles. The hair follicle is a soft tissue and can be easily damaged.
3. Helps Lose Weight
Iodine is important in the formation of thyroid hormones in the thyroid gland which controls the body's metabolism. So this very important mineral plays a role in the weight loss process.
4. For a Healthy Body Growth
Thyroid hormones play an important role in ensuring the growth of the body, especially for children. Iodine is required pregnant women to ensure a healthy growth of babies in the womb.
5. Helps Brain Development
Iodine plays an important role in ensuring the development of the brain, even from the age of the baby in the womb. Iodine deficiency in children can cause mental retardation.
6. Controlling Blood Pressure
Iodine helps the thyroid gland function to produce thyroid hormones, together with thyroxine hormone and triodotironin hormones affect heart rate and blood pressure.
7. Disposing of the Body Toxins
Iodine helps remove toxins from the body. Iodine effectively remove toxic chemicals such as mercury, lead, and fluoride from the body.
8. Keeping Health Reproductive System
Iodine helps the growth and maturation of the reproductive organs.
9. Keeping the skin stay smooth
Iodine also plays a role in maintaining healthy and smooth skin. One of the symptoms of iodine deficiency is the rough skin.
Iodine Rich Foods
Iodine can be found in water, food, and salt. However, iodine is rarely found in the mountains and plateaus. Sea water generally contains 0.2 mg of iodine per liter.
Seaweed and shellfish are very rich in iodine. Another best sources of iodine are saltwater fish, iodized salt, and green vegetables such as spinach. Other sources of iodine include dairy, meat, and cereal. Approximately 90% of the iodine intake from food consumed, and the rest of the water. Common salt fortified with sodium or potassium iodate commercially available and labeled as iodized salt.
Here is a list of foods rich in iodine:
For non-vegetarians:
- Salmon
- Tuna
- Scallop
- Cod
- Herring
- Iodized salt
For the Vegetarian:
- Seaweed
- Milk and milk products
- Apple
- Orange
- Grapes
- Strawberries
Iodine has an important role both for the body and mental health. After looking at the importance of iodine for our bodies, it is necessary for you to meet a good daily intake of iodine from food sources or supplementation of iodine.