Before you try to get rid of bloating, it is better to first identify the cause of bloating. Bloating is a disorder in digestion because of gas gathered in the stomach or intestines stomach discomfort. These disorders can also be a sign or symptom of other diseases. Bloating can be caused by various factors, such as stomach ulcers, intestinal obstruction, the digestive process is not perfect, colds, and eat in haste or while talking. Bloating symptoms such as stomach feel full, sometimes accompanied by nausea, vomiting, or belching. The other bloating causes is a high-fat diet, eating foods that have such high levels of starch potatoes or corn, lactose deficiency, smoking, drinking alcohol, or taking certain medications.
But don't worry, below you can read how to make your own herbal remedies for bloating with easy ingredients that you can get from your kitchen.
But don't worry, below you can read how to make your own herbal remedies for bloating with easy ingredients that you can get from your kitchen.

Natural home remedies to get rid of bloating
First Potion
Ingredients:Kaempferia galanga or aromatic ginger ......250 gr
Cloves ...................................................10 items
Cardamom ...............................................7 items
Lemongrass .............................................2 stalks
How to mix:
Wash all ingredients, aromatic ginger sliced thin, then boiled all the ingredients with 4 cups of water until the remaining approximately 1.5 cups. Pick up and strain.
Rules of use:
Drinking this potion in warm 3 times a day, each ½ cup.
Second Potion
Curcuma ................................................. 25 gr
Ginger .................................................... .15 gr
Dry Mandarin orange peel ......................... 7 gr
Palm sugar sufficiently
How to mix:
Wash all ingredients, curcuma and ginger sliced thin. Then boil all ingredients with 3 cups water until remaining approximately 1½ cups. Pick up and strain.
Rules of use:Drink this potion in warm 3 times a day, ½ cup each.
Third Potion
Turmeric .................... 20 gr
Ginger ......................... 10th
Fennel ......................... 1 tsp
Mint ................ ............5 pieces
How to mix:
Wash all ingredients, thinly sliced turmeric and ginger. Then boil all ingredients with 3 cups water until the remaining approximately 1½ cups. Remove and strain.
Rules in use:
Drink this potion in warm condition 3 times a day, ½ cup each.
Below are another few home remedies that should be try:
1. Garlic soup
Make soup with the ingredients of garlic, cumin, black pepper and coriander seeds.2. Cumin seeds tea
Mix one teaspoon of roasted cumin seeds in two cups of water. Boil until the remaining one cup and then drink, do every day.
3. Bloating natural remedy with ginger
How to make natural bloating remedy is prepared with ginger 3 slices of ginger that has been washed clean. Then the crushed ginger, put in a glass of hot water, after sugared stir, and drink immediately while still warm.
4. Bloating natural remedy with lime
If you do not find the ginger and shallots can also use lemon juice. Prepare lime, squeezed and then take the water and add a few drops of oil or eucalyptus oil, then rubbed into the abdomen.
Several tips to prevent bloating
- Consume foods that easy to digest: Choose foods that are easily digested by the body such as potatoes, rice, oranges, grapes and avoid foods that contain high gas (kale, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and peas).
- Recognize foods: Some people sometimes have different reactions to certain foods, so it helps one to recognize what foods can make symptoms worse or better.
- Eat 6 times a day: It is recommended that you eat 6 times a day with small portions than three large meals. Because the smaller meals will be easier to digest and less produce gas.
- Eat in small bites: Eat in small bites and chew food slowly. Eat the big bite will only encourage the entry of air into the digestive system. Saliva contains an enzyme Alpha amylase and lingual lipase to break down carbohydrates and fats in the diet.
- Avoid soda and packaging juice: We often think that the soda can overcome flatulence and reduce pain. Instead, carbonated drinks actually cause gastric problems. In addition, the sugar content in sweet drinks can trigger bloating.
- Do not chew gum: Chewing gum makes the air more easily into the stomach. As a result, you are more prone to flatulence problem.
- Walking after eat: Walking can improve digestion and break down food particles in the stomach. It can also help you lose weight.
- Stop smoking: Not all smokers know the effects of nicotine. Smoking not only causes dehydration, but also collect the gas in the stomach. To reduce health problems, stop smoking.