Along with age, then there will be wrinkles on the face. Actually there are a lot of tips to get rid of wrinkles on the face that we can do at home. However, because it takes time and patience, so many are turning to using products made from chemicals that are considered faster. Although not a little feel disappointed, because wrinkles are not reduced at all. Anxiety about wrinkles on the face usually hits women in their 30s, because at this age the signs of aging starting appears on their faces. Until finally, they do everything to cover the wrinkles so they looks still young.
Causes of Wrinkles on the face
Age makes our skin becomes thinner, drier, and not elastic. This then makes the skin loses its ability to be free from damage. From this early formation of wrinkles that otherwise would interfere with our appearance. Not to mention when we are too often exposed to trigger factors, wrinkles will come uninvited. Here are some factors that cause wrinkles:
The experts agreed, there is a connection between cigarette with accelerated skin aging process. Not only cigarette smoke, nicotine inhaled making the blood flow to the skin decreases. When blood flow is reduced, the skin becomes malnourished. This then makes the regeneration of skin cells do not work properly which followed by the appearance of wrinkles in our skin.
At certain people, the appearance of wrinkles faster apparently inherited. So if there is a history of the "family tree" we, most likely will form wrinkles prematurely. For this case, is quite difficult to find a way out, but we can keep the skin from drying out by always using a moisturizer.
Sun exposure
Ultraviolet rays, especially ultraviolet A can freely penetrate the skin to collagen. When collagen is damaged, then our skin loses protector. How to avoid: Do not forget to use sunscreen whenever outside the house.
Many pressures and problems you must face will make you frustrated. Stress can reduce the body's resistance and make the aging of skin cells faster. Stress also can cause headaches, increased blood pressure, facial wrinkles, weight loss, eye bags and panda eyes (dark circles under the eyes), and pimples arising on the face.
Excess alcohol also became one cause of premature aging. Research shows that alcohol can lead to damaged skin tissue and cause wrinkles. In the short term, alcohol can cause acne, skin rash, red spots on the skin, and in the long term, alcohol causes dehydration and reduce the intake of vitamins into the body.
Lack of exercise
You do not need to sweat to shower for 3 hours. Walk was at least 30 minutes a day, enough to maintain a healthy body
Tips for getting rid of wrinkles on the face
1. Healthy lifestyles
Eating enough fruits and vegetables has become a small step that can bring yourself to a healthy lifestyle. With regular enough consumption of vegetables and fruits, can make your skin healthy and can prevent you from many other skin problems, and of course could be a solution for wrinkles on your face.
2. Clean thoroughly (deep cleansing)
Many women who do not clean the skin thoroughly, because they scared to make the skin become dry and wrinkled. In fact, make sure the skin free from impurities and dead skin cells will make skin look younger.
3. Deep moisturizer
In addition to daily moisturizer, you can also increase the levels of water on the skin on a weekly basis. You can use a facial mask (nourishing face mask) as well as strengthen moisturizer and night cream. Let stand for 5-10 minutes, then wipe with a tissue.
4. Launch blood circulation
Provide a gentle facial scrub to use once a week to keep skin smooth and soft. This method also works to increase the blood flow to the surface of the skin so that the skin looks radiant. Moreover, this way also accelerate rejuvenation of skin cells.
5. Skin care on a regular basis
In addition to regular maintenance, do not forget to pamper the skin with anti-aging facial serum or cream. In addition to improving the skin's appearance, this method serves to strengthen your daily care.
6. Facial exercises
You should not underestimate the facial exercises. Because if done diligently, facial muscles can be trained and can certainly reduce wrinkles on the face.
7. Detoxify the liver
Regularly consume juice with carrot / beet / cucumber every week.
8. Quit smoking
It's been proven that smoking is harmful to health for both active smokers and passive smokers. It turns out facial wrinkles can also be caused by the activity of smoking. Avoid environments that are susceptible to the cigarette smoke.
9. Enough sleep
Quality sleep is at night. This can reduce the presence of wrinkles / wrinkles on your face!
10. Avoid stress
Again, stress is very harmful, and certainly could spur the appearance of wrinkles. You avoid stress as much as possible, so that wrinkles on your face does not appear or can be removed if you are not experiencing stress.
11. Sunscreen
You can also use sunscreen on a regular basis to reduce and avoid the presence of sun radiation. The more frequently exposed to sunlight, skin will look dull faster and rapidly aging.
12. Serum
You can use a serum to address wrinkles. What is it purpose? the goal is to help improve the collagen under the skin and to add moisture.
13. Diligently cleaning your face
Diligent cleaning your face. Wash your face with water and soap are felt most suitable for your skin routine before bed and in the morning. Stages are as follows: Wash your face and then followed by rubbing toner, moisturizer, sunblock, eye cream, loose powder, and the last is the make-up.
14. Wholefood supplements
You could try drinking at wholefood supplement containing hyaluronic acid and / or collagen booster and silica that could help regenerate skin cells aging.
15. Exercise
Exercise does not have to choose the weight. Moderate exercise can be your choice to stay healthy and can minimize the appearance of your skin irritation, including the appearance of facial wrinkles.
16. Always optimistic in life
An optimist in life, tend to be always cheerful and eager live his life. Conversely, people who've always been pessimistic, most likely will be very vulnerable to the face of gloom, sadness and of course this can result in the magnitude of the possible emergence of wrinkles on the face. Be optimistic, cheerful and keep the spirit in this life