Wednesday, June 12, 2013

How To Get Rid Of Menstrual Cramps Naturally At Home

Women must already know, menstrual cramps is not a pleasant experience. Cause cramp pain like a toothache or a mild headache. However, the pain can be very annoying so that helped disrupt your daily activities. In some women, the pain so severe that even they could just curl up while pressing the stomach to withstand pain.

Causes of Menstrual Cramps
Menstrual cramps are caused by contractions of the uterus. Contraction is needed to make blood out leaving the womb. The severity of cramps depending on levels of prostaglandins, are compounds molecules produced by the lining of the uterus.

Tips To get rid of Menstrual Cramps

• Compress the area of ​​pain
Try to warm up the stomach pain with a bottle filled with warm water or special pillow warmers. Or try drinking hot drinks like tea, coffee, milk, or hot chocolate, so the stomach feel more relaxed and comfortable.

• Take a bath with warm water
Bath with warm water. You can also try soaking the feet in warm water. Make the body as warm as possible, because if the body is warm will accelerate blood circulation.

• Reduce strenuous activities
Take a reclining position, so that the position of the uterus hanging downward. This will relieve the pain in the abdomen. Also do some stretching exercises follows: lying on your back, knees bent close to the chest, then straightened again. Do it at least four times. 

• Meet the needs of nutrition
Eat foods that contain lots of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, zinc, vitamin B1, and iron. 

• Inhale
Take a deep breath and slowly. This serves to relax the body.

• Snooze
With lay down and relax, the nerves are tense and stiff and cause dizziness or cramping can be loosened. Support the foot with a pillow in order to smooth blood circulation and body fluids in the legs. 

• Massage
By doing massage on some parts of the body that feels tense and painful, it will relax the nerves and muscles. It also will give good effect when coupled with a soft-scented massage oil. 

• Taking pain medication
Pain relievers (analgesics) may be used, but a better fit with the doctor's instructions. If you do not consult a doctor and choose free medicines, should not be taken more than three times a day dosage.

Herbs To Get Rid Of Menstrual Cramps

1. Chaste Tree Berry
According to a study published in the British Medical Journal, chaste tree berry is effective in reducing feelings of irritability, depression, breast tenderness, and headaches. Women who take some medications to cope with hormonal disorders should not take chaste tree berry since it can interact with primary drug. 

2. Evening Primrose Oil
Evening primrose oil is somewhat controversial effect to cope with menstrual pain. Overall, the study concluded that this material may be effective, but more research is still needed.

3. Dong Quai
Dong quai has been used for thousands of years to help relieve PMS symptoms such as bloating, cramping, and irregular menstrual cycles. This herb contains compounds that may help reduce pain and relax the muscles of the uterus. But only a little research has been done on dong quai, so it is important to consult a doctor before taking this herb.

4. Cramp Bark
Cramp bark or Viburnum is known to help reduce uterine cramps and muscle spasms associated with PMS.

5. Black Cohosh
Black cohosh herb may help relieve menstrual cramps, help prevent bloating, and stabilize mood.

6. Dandelion Root
Drink 2 cups of dandelion root tea every day while experiencing PMS can reduce bloating, breast tenderness, and water retention.