Healthy baby is every mother's dream. A healthy baby will grow strong and active in the future. In order to keep your baby healthy, as parents need to pay attention to specific things that are useful for the growth and development of baby.

Here are tips for a healthy baby:
1. Give of exclusive breastfeeding
Breast milk contains many substances that can enhance antibody immunity of the baby. White blood cells contained in breast milk can also inhibit the emergence and proliferation of bacteria and viruses that can cause allergies, diarrhea, pneumonia, meningitis and ear infections and bladder infections.
In the first days, breast milk contains colostrum, which is often called milk premium. Yellowish colored liquid that the vitamin content is the most complete and perfect so that they can provide powerful protection for the baby's body. Breast milk also contains a special protein called taurine. Protein will optimize the growth of brain cells and increase infant intellect.
Suggested minimum agreed global health experts, namely that the mothers at least, to breastfeed for 6 months (exclusive) without the intake of other foods. To further breastfeeding can still continue until the baby was 2 years old.
Exclusive breastfeeding also provide opportunities for women to develop bonding / mother-child closeness. This closeness is established because every time breastfeeding mothers by direct contact while clutching her baby and let her tits nipples sucked child. Mother's warm embrace will make the baby feel comfortable, which in turn fosters basic trust. Well, the basic trust This has been a initial capital that would later make the baby grow into a smart and independent.
2. Obey immunization schedule
Given basic immunizations that children receive early immune actively. Comply with immunization schedule is recommended for optimal results. For example, following DPT immunization schedule at ages 2, 4 and 6 months. Repetition is done to strengthen the already-formed antibodies.
As is known, the immunization will raise antibodies. After immunization, antibodies baby will rise. But one day, an antibody that can go down. That's when immunizations should be given again to make antibodies that goes down can go back up. If not be repeated immunization, then when the immune system goes down, the possibility of getting a disease that could have happened would be resisted. That is why, comply with the immunization schedule is very important.
3. Make a habit of washing hands
Babies are particularly vulnerable to viruses and bacteria. Therefore, before holding it, do not forget to wash your hands first. Especially after traveling or touching something that is not guaranteed cleanliness. Other people who want to hold and carrying your baby should also be asked to wash their hands first. Use soap every time you wash hands.
4. Do not smoke
These recommendations should be strictly adhered to because we all know how dangerous secondhand smoke. Research conducted by the National Health Institute in America in 1997 said that in each puff of cigarette smoke are at least 4,000 species of toxins that can harm our health and even kill the growth of new cells. So, smoking in front of the baby is synonymous with being a silent killer, aka the silent killer.
Babies who are exposed to secondhand smoke were more at risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) or sudden death syndrome, bronchitis, asthma, and ear infections. In fact, cigarette smoke adversely affect intelligence and infant neurodevelopment.
5. Keep environmental cleanliness
Diarrhea and upper respiratory tract infection is a disease that most often affects infants. Both diseases are often associated with the environment around the baby is less hygienic. That is why, prioritize environmental hygiene when there's a baby. For example, cleaning the house regularly, in addition to diligently cleaned up and ask all family members maintain personal cleanliness and hygiene of food that will be served to the baby.
6. Good quality baby sleep
Research conducted in Boston, USA (2002) revealed that a good sleep in babies can boost immunity. Because, during sleep, babies build new cells in the body that can ward off the attacks of microbes and viruses. In short, enough sleep (16-18 hours a day) is closely linked to increased immunity.
7. Fill your baby's nutritional needs
After a period of exclusive breastfeeding past 6 months, the introduction of semisolid foods, it can be done gradually until the baby is able to adapt. When feeding, consider the true nutritional content of each type of material that your baby's nutritional needs can be met.
Nutrition helps boost immunity. Protein, for example, obtained from milk is useful as a "power" endurance. Immunizations are mostly made up of protein substances would be optimal result when the baby's body was found in the protein. In addition, include fruits and vegetables that contain lots of vitamin C and beta-carotene such as oranges and carrots. Vitamin C and beta-carotene is believed to ward off viruses and help the development of new cells.
8. Often consult to a doctor
Established good relationships certainly make mothers more freedom to chat with the doctor about anything about the baby's life. Be it in ways appropriate infant boost immunity, counteract the health problems, the selection of appropriate supplemental intake, necessity of the administration of antibiotics and so on.