Underweight is rarely seen as a problem as well as obesity. In fact, underweight also at risk of health problems and of course can create confidence diminished. There are many theories as why someone might have a thin body, ranging from heredity, diet, due to the stress factor. Several kinds of diseases can also make it difficult weight gain, such as thyroid disorders.
Body weight is too thin can cause the body's lack of energy, lack of nutrition, weak immune system, risk of osteoporosis, menstrual disorders, to complications during pregnancy. Just as to lose weight, increase weight gain should be done in a healthy way, namely increasing the intake of nutritious food and keep exercising. Drugs to fatten the body should be avoided because it is generally only increase appetite.

Here are some tips to gain weight in a healthy and safe way.
- Create a diet journal
Write down the type of food and when you eat it every day for a few weeks to figure out your diet and identify when to add calories.
- Add calories
Try adding about 200 extra calories per day in the beginning.
- Focus on quality, not quantity
Although you are trying to gain weight, chips, sodas, milkshakes, or the cake not the right choice for frequent consumption. Better to choose nutrient-rich foods, such as beans, fruits and vegetables, and lean protein.
- Eat more often
Never skip a meal. You should eat about 5-6 times a day plus a small amount of calories from total calories daily.
- Dense snacks
Choose calorie-dense snacks in between meals, such as juice avocado, nuts, fruit, or calorie beverages such as ready to drink liquid food for those who are dieting.
- Eating before bed
The process of regeneration and healing happens when we sleep so eating before bed will give your body the nutrients it requires to work. However, select vegetables or sandwiches with lean meats.
- Target
Just as slimming efforts, increase weight gain , also need to process and sometimes slow. Patience is very important here. Signs you achieve your ideal weight, is increased energy, hunger patterns are more stable, and the body feels fitter.