Thursday, February 7, 2013

Home Remedies for Sore Throat Using Herbal Potions

During winter time, people afflicted with some disease such as sore throat that can be a symptom of flu, cough or other disease. We believe that you already prepared some medicine without prescription in the medicine box as sore throat remedies, even not all of those medicine guaranteed works to cure it. And you must be found some people had their sore throat not cured for days, weeks and months, even they had tried lozenges, or another cough medicine. So, alternatively you can use natural potions to relieve it.

The most easiest and popular home remedies for sore throat that often found is gargling with salt water,  by dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in one cup of water (you can add a small amount of honey to sweeten the mixture slightly). But at this time, try to gives you another ways for sore throat remedy that use herbal potions. First thing that you must know, this method had been proved by some people, even the result never same for each person, but clearly, it's easy to made at your home. Because, some materials are easily found in your kitchen.

Lemon herbs to relieve sore throat
First potion:
Mix two tablespoons of lemon juice into a glass of warm water, avoid adding sugar. Drink 2-3 times a day on an empty stomach, about 30-60 minutes before eating.
Second potion:
Take 1 tablespoon lemon water and mix with 1 tablespoon freshly grated ginger also1 tablespoon of honey, stirring until smooth, then drink. Do this 2 times a day (morning and night) a few days, surely your throat will feel better soon.

Apple cider vinegar
Although could not find scientific evidence about how it works, but many people believe in the benefits of apple cider vinegar can be use as one of the natural remedies afternoon throat. How to use: Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of warm water, then gargled and swallowed.

Honey is believed to cure a sore throat, though until now scientists have not fully understood how it works. But certainly, honey could inhibit the growth of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. How to use: Mix 1-2 tablespoons of honey into a cup of hot water and then drink.

Another natural homemade sore throat remedies

First herb:
- 125 grams of betel leaf
- 250 grams of rock sugar also known as rock candy
- 1.5 liters of water
How to make:
Boil the betel leaves with 1.5 liters of water, then filtered and add rock sugar. Stir until become syrup, then set aside to cool.
How to use:
Drink three times a day.

Second herb:
- 4 cinnamon sticks
- 8 shells Mahkota Dewa
- Lemon
- Ginger
- 400 cc of water.
How to make potions:
Boil all ingredients, then set aside to cool or warm, after that, take the water and pour it in a glass. Add squeezed 1/2 - 1 orange juice in a glass. You can add honey or sugar to add delicious flavor (if you want added sugar, recommended just a little)

All potions above are an alternative ways for sore throat remedies that you can make at home, use only easy ingredients because some of them is not easy to find. You also can read another tips on how to get rid of sore throat post. Last but not least, steps below believed can increased the healing process.

Increase your fluid intake
Expand drink water or other fluids to help keep you hydrated. Staying hydrated is very important especially when you're a sore throat. Your body must be sufficiently liquid so that urine remains in good condition. It is keeping the mucous membranes moist, and can combat bacteria or irritants such as allergens, as well as make your body better able to fight the symptoms of flu. You should not drink besides water, if you want something sweet, try diluted fruit juice.

Drink tea
A cup of warm herbal tea can offer a calming effect when you're sore throat. Non-herbal tea, is made ​​from the leaves of black, green, or white are also able to ward off infection and strengthen the immune system as it contains antioxidants. You can also add a teaspoon of honey in your tea cup, because honey has antibacterial properties that can accelerate healing.

Eat chicken soup
In addition to helping cure the common cold, chicken soup can also reduce a sore throat. Sodium broth chicken soup has anti-inflammatory properties that can help the process of healing a sore throat. Due to the pain of whack when swallowing food, chicken soup is the right food to eat because it is a liquid, which can help you to swallow food easily. In addition, the chicken soup is rich in nutrients that can fight disease.

Get enough rest
Get enough sleep or rest, because it will makes you makes more relax and makes the potions works better.

Finally, we hope that some tips above can help you, thanks for visit in this sore throat remedies article. If you have any suggestion, please leave a comment.