Wednesday, July 3, 2013

10 Benefits Of Ginger For Health As Herbal Medicinal Plants

During this time, maybe we only knew the benefits of ginger as a beverage that gives a warm effect on the body. In fact, as a herbal medicinal plant, ginger has so many health benefits that we never knew before. Ginger has been used as a medicine to cure inflammation and diarrhea in China and India since over 1,500 years. It is proved that nutrients content in ginger really gives benefits to humans. Ginger that has latin name as Zingiber officinale is thought to have originated from India. But there is also believed that ginger came from South China. From India, ginger spread to Southeast Asia, China, Japan, and the Middle East.

Modern researchers have provided support for the use of ginger traditional herb. The results showed that ginger extract, either from fresh ginger or dried ginger, efficacious in dealing with bacterial infections, fungal infections, seizures, pain, wounds and stomach disorders, tumors, cramps, and allergic reactions. Ginger extract in rigorous standard is appropriate gingerol, which extracts the flavor and aroma is not lost the sharp ginger.

Experimental animal studies in rats did in china and western countries, shows that, fresh ginger can relieve pain and infection. Experiments in vitro (laboratory) showed that ginger inhibits oxidation (to have antioxidant properties) so as to reduce the risk of cancer, and also inhibits the growth of germs. To get more health benefits of ginger, you can read it below.

10 benefits of ginger for health

Prevent some types of cancer
Ginger extract also potent inhibiting the growth of various types of cancer cells. Such as preventing constipation-related cancer, prostate cancer preventive enzymes stimulate, and inhibit the growth of colon cancer. Ginger extract was also shown to stop the spread of skin cancer cells, lung, kidney, and pancreas.

Weight Loss
Ginger works dilate blood vessels into body heat to burn calories. Moreover ginger contains very little calories so do not contribute to your weight gain. Steeping ginger is very good for health and metabolism.

Lowering High Blood Pressure
As has been mentioned above, ginger has the ability to dilate blood vessels and stimulate the release of adrenal hormones. Hence, the blood will flow more quickly and reduce your high blood pressure.

Prevent blood clots
Compounds contained in ginger called gingerol, is one of the compounds that can prevent blood clots because it will turn into an anticoagulant.

Cleanse toxins
If we often consume ginger brewed, usually we will sweat. Through the sweat that was issued various toxins in the body.

Lowering cholesterol levels
Other benefits of ginger, which proved to be efficacious in lowering cholesterol levels, in addition to be cleaning the blood. Thus heart attacks and blood clots can be prevented.

Prevent irregular menstrual cycles
Ginger provides benefits for women menstrual cycle regularity. In China for example, ginger and brown sugar mixed in tea is widely consumed to reduce menstrual cramps.

Treat morning sickness
Nausea, abdominal bloating and want to throw up in the morning, including a pregnant woman, can be cured with ginger herb.

Relieves swelling and sores
Ginger juice, in the medical world, is included in a painkiller, wounds and infections. Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties to effectively reduce arthritic pain.

Cure migraines
Studies show that ginger can stop prostaglandin, causes pain in the head. Thus, ginger reduces migraines or headaches.

There are still many benefits of ginger if we know ginger nutrition, but we are also notice that too much ginger consumption is also not good. According to wikipedia, if consumed in reasonable quantities, ginger has few negative side effects, and is on the FDA's "generally recognized as safe" list, though it does interact with some medications, including warfarin. Ginger is contraindicated in people suffering from gallstones, as it promotes the production of bile.

Allergic reactions to ginger generally result in a rash, and although generally recognized as safe, ginger can cause heartburn, bloating, gas, belching and nausea, particularly if taken in powdered form. Unchewed fresh ginger may result in intestinal blockage, and individuals who have had ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease or blocked intestines may react badly to large quantities of fresh ginger. Ginger can also adversely affect individuals with gallstones. There are also suggestions that ginger may affect blood pressure, clotting, and heart rhythms.