Blackheads or also known as an open comedo is dirt that clog the pores so the face becomes look dirty. Blackheads are often seen in the area of the nose, ears, chin and even your back that always comes back. We often try to get rid of blackheads with medication that we buy from television commercials as treatment, is it gone? For a while, yes! But in many cases, blackheads are back again "decorating" our face. Sometimes combined with the emergence of new problems such as skin irritation, itching and so on. Meanwhile, there are several ways to remove blackheads with natural homemade ingredients. Did you forget that the medication you buy at high prices also took from materials that are readily available in your home? First, before we go to the tips, let us know what blackheads is.

What are blackheads?
Usually, blackheads appear in the T area (forehead, nose and chin), also under the eyes and cheeks. There are some cases person got blackheads on ear. Please do not remove blackheads by squeezing! Because it will actually stimulate a festering pimple that will exacerbate face condition, can even cause infection. Blackheads result from the accumulation of excess oil (sebum) and dead skin cells. When cleaning your face, blackheads are often ignored.
There are two types of blackheads/comedo:
- Blackhead (open comedones), looks like enlarged pores and blackened. Blackheads blackish color due to oxidation by air.
- Whiteheads (closed comedones), was behind the cuticle layer of the clogged dirt and grease, looks like a small lump under the skin.
What Causes Blackheads?
Basically blackheads are caused by lack of facial cleanliness maintained. Around the face or in the nose appear smaller pores are black or white. The cause clogging debris that eventually called with blackheads. It arises due to the accumulation of excess oil and dead skin cells. If this is overlooked, the face that was beautiful and radiant will look like dull and unkempt. The emergence of new blackheads continuously indicates there are other problems in your body. Factors that can cause blackheads are:
- Excess dead skin cells that clog pores opening
- Excess facial oil production
- Lack of water in the body.
- not good enough Facial cleansing so facial oil do not lift properly.
- Using excessive facial scrub.
- Using products / makeup that contain too much oil.
- Medical problems such as indigestion, constipation, overactive oil gland and anemia are factors that influence the onset of blackheads.
How to get rid of blackheads with fruits
Key lime or Citrus aurantiifolia
Cucumber and Tomato
Lime contains viamin C. Existing acid in the vitamin C if rubbed on the skin able to lift dead skin cells quickly. This treatment should be done by those who have aged 40 years and over.
How to make:
Cut the lime into 2 parts. Rub the skin of the face or body, allow it to dry. Rinse with warm water to open the pores of the skin and then rinse with water.
Contains water, protein, carbohydrates, fat, fiber, vitamins A, B and C. The benefits can reduce skin damage from the sun and the skin will look whiter.
How to make:
Take watermelon taste, then blend and place in a bowl. Take a little, apply evenly to the face, leave on for 15 minutes. Clean your face with warm water and then rinse with cold water. Do this 2 times a week.
Blackheads can be easily removed with natural ingredients that have the power to cleanse the pores. Peaches are one of these natural ingredients.
How to make:
Peel a medium-sized peaches, puree a few pieces and mix with 1 teaspoon of honey. Once you get the right texture, apply on your skin. Let stand for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.
Treatment blackheads with banana mask is perfect for removing stains on the face. Bananas contain antioxidants that can treat your skin damage.
How to make:
Puree ripe bananas in a medium bowl and add 1 teaspoon of honey. To get a good mask texture, add 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon water. Apply the mixture on the face and leave for 15-20 minutes. After that, wipe with a clean towel. Repeat this treatment at least 3 times per week for the desired result.
Cucumber and Tomato
As well as eliminating acne, it can also be a way to get rid of blackheads, as cucumbers and tomatoes contain vitamin C and A, the water content is useful for removing spots.
How to make:
Grate a cucumber or tomato. Stick to the skin of the face or body as a mask. Rinse with warm water and then with cold water. This mask helps eliminate wrinkles, moisturizes and tones the face.
How to remove blackheads using another natural materials
HoneyWarm effect on honey works as a moisturizer, remove wrinkles and brighten the skin.
How to make:
Apply honey in skin or body as masks. Let stand until dry. Rinse with warm water then rinse with plain water.
The content of antioxidants and vitamin E in tea can fight free radicals that can prevent premature aging. The content of its astringent helps overcome puffy eyes and acne.
How to make:
Soak half a cup of tea from a tea bag overnight. Use the soaking water wash your face, allow to dry first. Then rinse with warm water and then with cold water. You can also put a tea bag directly into the skin with a slight pressure.
Tips how to prevent blackheads
1. Know your skin type
Usually, blackheads easily appear on oily skin. By knowing your skin type, you can more easily choose the appropriate facial cleanser products.
2. Select a suitable and proper cleaning
For normal to oily skin, use oil-free moisturizer. As well as choose a cleaner that can make your skin really clean, fresh, and chewy. Give tolerance a month to test the effectiveness of the cleaners you use.
3. Regularly clean your face twice a day, no more.
Sometimes, because the very fear of blackheads, wash your face too often, especially when sweating. It will only make the skin moisture will be lost, and make skin pores so not good.
4. Use soap that contains scrubs
Before cleaning the face, try to use first steam on your face, so that the pores of your skin open, so easy to get out blackheads. And do not forget if you've finished washing, use a toner, so that your pores are open before, closing again.
5. Avoid comedogenic products
Other products that can cause blackheads are cleansing milk, sunscreen, foundation, compact powder, ginseng shampoo and conditioner. Please note, compact powder is a product that contains the highest comedogenic substances. The use of compact powder too long not only cause blackheads, but also acne.
6. Limiting consumption of fatty foods
chocolate, milk chocolate, durian, peanuts, eggs, nuts, cheese, avocado, ripe mangos, shellfish, cream powder, all types of milk (full cream, low or non fat), fried, coconut milk, and fatty meats.
7. Living healthy and well nourished
Get enough sleep and rest, avoid stress, and stay away from cigarettes. This may sound cliché, but try to apply the terms of this habit, and see the results.