Saturday, July 6, 2013

Home Remedies For Getting Rid Of Acne

Acne makes you less confident. More frustrating, how often you squeezed, did not get rid of them. And maybe you already bought a lot of acne removal products with expensive price, but they still there. Many people believe that acne is only attacking the face, but acne can also attack other parts of the body, such as in the back, chest and upper arms. What if there are few ways to remove acne using home remedies with natural materials that can be found easily in your kitchen, would you try it?

Basically acne is not a serious medical condition, because in most cases it will disappear naturally without the need to be treated. Acne can actually be formed in any part of the body in most people, especially teenagers, acne were often grows on the face because it is a high proportion of the sebaceous glands. Acne in adolescence will usually continue into adulthood.

What causes acne?

Before we going to the point, let's find out what the real causes of acne. Kligmann, an acne problems researcher said that, no one in the world who get through life without an acne or pimple on the skin. Probable cause is the hormonal changes that stimulate oil glands in the skin. Other hormonal changes that can lead to acne is the menstrual period, pregnancy, use of birth control pills, and stress. Below, you can read various causes of acne.

Dead skin cells
Generally, acne caused by excess oil glands that produced by androgen hormone. Acne is caused by excess oil glands are mixed with dead skin cells. When skin cells are mixed with the amount of dust or dirt that has increased, the mixture can form a plug that into black or white spots.

Excessive oil production
Acne does not only appear as due to dirt, but rather by factors from within the body. Acne is a skin condition caused by abnormal excessive production of oil glands disorder (sebaceus gland) which causes obstruction of hair follicles and skin pores. The most common cause of acne is hormonal, piles of oil or sebum in the skin collaborating with bacteria.

Which makes the problem more complicated, there is usually a bacteria in the skin, called p.acne, which tend to multiply in a clogged sebaceous glands, which produce substances that cause irritation to the surrounding area. The glands continue to swell, and may be broken, then spreading inflammation to the surrounding skin area. This is the most likely cause of cystic acne.

Pore ​​blockage often occurs by the use of cosmetics that contain oil or use a lot of powder that blends with the foundation. Contained in the powder foundation face powder easily lead to clog pores.

Actually, stress does not directly cause acne. The problem is, there are certain hormones that come out when someone is stressed, which allows the growth of acne. Not only that, the stress makes people have a diet that tends to consume a lot of sugary and fatty foods, as an "escape" from the stress.

The predisposition for specific individuals to acne is likely explained by a genetic component, which has been supported by twin studies as well as studies that have looked at rates of acne among first degree relatives. The genetics of acne susceptibility is likely polygenic, as the disease does not follow classic Mendelian inheritance pattern. There are multiple candidates for genes which are possibly related to acne, including polymorphisms in TNF-alpha, IL-1 alpha, CYP1A1 among others.

Home remedies for acne

How to get rid of acne is not an easy thing, as opposed to how to remove blackheads. Because acne is hard in the skin. To get rid of acne is sometimes difficult, even though it be treated, but instead more and more acne that arise in your face.

There are a lot of acne products that we can see on TV, not all of them are good. Some people are already tried and bought it with expensive price with no result. In fact, for some people, they got new skin problems such irritation, scars, burns sensation on the skin, redness and so on. And if you already tired about all of that, then you can try some home remedies potion below for getting rid of acne.

Egg white
First, separate the egg yolks and egg whites grab. Shake well and apply to face and then let stand for 15 minutes. Egg whites can be used to reduce facial oil that could be a trigger of acne.

Pure honey
Honey has tremendous benefits for health and beauty. Honey can also be used to get rid of acne. Simply apply honey on the acne and let stand for 10-20min, then wash with water.

Cucumber has which is lot of moisture content which is is believed to help reduce acne by removing toxins which is cover the pores. Puree cucumber in a blender and then apply on the face. Let stand for about 30 minutes, then wipe with a towel that has been dipped in warm water. Clean the rest of the mask which is still sticking with warm water. For maximum results, you can add other ingredients such as oatmeal and a cup of yogurt. You can also use cucumber juice as a natural astringent to remove the oil. Therefore cucumber can be a solution if you have acne or red spots caused by inflammation.

Aloe Vera
Besides good for hair, aloe vera is also very good to get rid of acne. Cut a piece of aloe vera and remove the outer skin. Every afternoon and morning rub the aloe vera liquid. If done on a regular basis then it will be easier to dry acne, and even acne scars will disappear.

There are two options to get rid of acne using garlic. First, mashed two or more garlic until smooth and then apply to the face with acne, let stand for 10 minutes then rinse thoroughly. The second way, eat one or more garlic every day. Many people says, this method is more effective, but has the side effect causing bad breath.

Fruits are very beneficial for our health, especially fruits containing citric acid like lemon. The substance is very good to remove dead skin cells which is cause acne. We can make a lemon herb mixed with rose water. Simply by mixing lemon juice with rose water and apply around your face for 10-15 minutes. After that, rinse with warm water. For maximum results, it's better to do it this way on a regular basis for 15 days.

Useful addition to eliminating blackheads, tomatoes are also efficacious for eliminating acne. We just need to slice the tomatoes and rub or paste on facial acne. Let stand for 15 minutes, and do approximately 1 month for satisfactory results.

Papaya leaf
Take 2-3 pieces of papaya leaves are old and then dry in the sun. Mashed it and given water and then squeezed to get the papaya leaves juice. Apply the juice of the papaya leaves on the acne.

Egg yolk
In addition to the egg white, egg yolk turns can also help us get rid of acne. Simply apply the egg yolk to your face, let it stands for 10 minutes and rinse with water.

Betel leaf
Acne can also be removed with betel leaves. Boil the betel leaf, then cool and then use the water to wash your face.

It's not funny after we successfully get rid of acne, but in several days they appear again. So, you need to continue read how to prevent acne or maybe you wanna read another ways to get rid of acne.