Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Must Try! 12 Home Remedies For Cold Sores

If you have read cold sore article before, but you have not found better home remedies for cold sores to get rid of it, then you should try these methods. Cold sores different from canker sore, the conditions in which some people associate with cold sores disease. Cold sores caused by herpes simplex virus active again, and contagious. Canker afternoon is not contagious, canker sore  is sores occurring in the soft tissues in the mouth, places where cold sores are typically not going to happen.

Home remedies for cold sores

1. Tea tree oil
Get rid of cold sore by dabbing tea tree oil on the ticklish spot as soon as you feel the tickle. Get a cotton bud, pour tree oil on to it and spend about 20 to 30 seconds holding the cotton bud to the cold sore/ticklish spot. Do this twice a day, one of which should be just before going to bed.

2. Toothpaste or coffee
Put toothpaste or coffee on it and leave it on as long as possible (all day if you can). This dries it out and it should disappear quicker that it would otherwise. However, this is not as effective as the medicine that is applied before the cold sore appears.

3. Garlic
Garlic has been proven to be an effective immune system- booster. It is also a powerful anti-biotic, and is used to combat a variety of viral afflictions. Raw garlic may be applied directly to the cold sore. It can also be orally consumed. If, however, the smelly aftermath of eating raw garlic proves to be too disadvantageous, garlic pills may be purchased in most health shops.

4. Campho phenique
It is a popular soothing cure for any itches or stings which may go with the cold sore. It's also a great anti-bacterial, and is best to apply in preventing any other diseases from cold sores.

5. Lemon
Similar to campho phenique, and salt, lemon as well is an efficient disinfectant. Utilize a tiny piece of lemon straight to the closed cold sore. Lemon furthermore performs as a great precautionary element for cold sores, because it enhances the body's immune system. Frequent consumption of fresh lemon juice, for example, will help the body's immune system. Lemon balm, when put on the lips frequently, might furthermore assist in preventing cold sore breakouts.

6. Licorice
Licorice has applications besides for sweets. It includes glycyrrhizic acid, that has been shown to render contaminants of the herpes virus idle. Try to make use of licorice in its most basic shape. Gnaw on a beat of black licorice, or employ licorice powder right to the cold sore.

7. Whole milk
Whole milk has been proven to contain a fat called monocaprin. This fat kills viruses, and is therefore a good natural  means to get rid of cold sores. It is important to only use whole milk, and not 2% or skim, as these kinds of milk may lack the required concentration of fatty acids to counter the HSV – 1 virus. Soak up some cold milk with a piece of cotton wool, and apply directly to the affected area.

8. Salt
Salt as well is a great disinfectant. Take care not to make use of salt after the blister has popped, although, as unpleasant stinging might occur.

9. Lemon Balm 
 Lemon Balm with it's antiviral properties can cut healing time in half when cream is applied daily, and there's some suggestion that it can prevent future breakouts when applied regularly. Make your own lip balm.

10. Rubbing alcohol
Applying rubbing alcohol directly to the cold sure daily can help dry it out much faster and offer relief from that awful throbbing pain of inflammation.

11. Ice.
Your cold sore thrives in warmth ad moisture. A cold compress or ice will speed up recovery and relieve discomfort.

12. Honey
Honey actually works better than the most trusted medications in treating cold sore infection. Honey draws fluid away from cold sores, suppresses microorganism growth, and releases a low level hydrogen peroxide.