Do you like fruit juice? What about Cranberry juice, do you like it too? Congratulation if you do, because there are a lot of benefits for health and beauty. Cranberries fruit benefits has been known for a long time ago by ancient Indian tribes, as an arrow wound medicine. Nowadays, cranberry popularly used as a source of vitamins to boost immunity, prevent ulcers, and as an antioxidant. And now, cranberry fruit extract used as a base for beauty care products. This fruit contains anthocyanin flavonoids, sianidin, peonidin, quercetin, tannins, vitamin A, vitamin C and E. The content of tannin compounds in cranberries have anti-clotting properties, and can reduce urinary tract infections and dental plaque, and can also be used to prevent inflammation of the gums (gingivitis).

Besides can be eaten raw, cranberries can also be processed into juice, sauce, jam, dried cranberries and candied. Since the beginning of the 21st century in the global food industry, raw cranberries have been marketed as a "super fruit" because of the nutrients and antioxidant qualities. Aside from being a source for antioxidants beneficial to boost the immune system, the fruit is also good for preventing kidney stones. It is also a good disinfectant to prevent cystitis (inflammation / infection of the urinary tract), this is because the content of cranberry juice to stop sticking bacteria that exist in the vicinity of the urethra and bladder.
Cranberry benefits for beauty are regenerate, moisturize, brighten, tighten skin at the same time. In addition, cranberries are also effective to reduce wrinkles and opaque due to the adverse effects of free radicals. Enzymes contained in it may help the process of exfoliating dead skin cells clog the sebaceous glands (glands that produce oil to lubricate the skin surface), thus, the formation of acne can be avoided
Cranberry Benefits For Health & Beauty
1. Antibacterials for urinary tract health.Institute for Food and Drug Administration France, AFSSA, allowing the use of cranberry juice as antibacterials for urinary tract health. This is evidenced by the 4 randomized clinical trials perfectly stating that cranberry juice can inhibit bacterial infection of the urinary tract
2. Increase Good Cholesterol.
The study also found that cranberry may reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) and increase HDL (good cholesterol) in the blood
3. Against Free Radicals
Fight free radicals, enhance oxidation of cells (which fight aging) because cranberries contain antioxidants, proanthocyanidins type A.
4. Prevent gastric ulcers
Protecting the risk of gastric ulcers, plaques, and periodontal disease. Antioxidants in tiny red berries prevent pathogenic bacteria to stick to the mucous membranes.
5. Prevent bladder inflammation
Preventing recurrent bladder inflammation by preventing bacteria from sticking to the mucous membranes of the urinary tract. To reduce by 50% 30cl bladder infection drink cranberry juice per day.
6. Prevent Cancer
Flavonoid anthocyanidins, sianidin, peonidin and quercetin found in unprocessed fruit or fruit juice. These compounds proved to be potent in vitro against cancer
7. Heart Health and Immune System
Cranberries have moderate levels of vitamin C, as well as dietary fiber and mineral content. The fruit is a source of polyphenol antioxidants, phytochemicals, compounds that are being researched benefits for the heart and vascular system, the immune system, and anti-cancer
8. Brighten Skin
Cranberry fruit mask to effectively brighten dull skin and gives a fresh impression on the tired face instantly.
Cranberry Nutrition facts