Friday, August 21, 2015

Why Brown Rice More Healthy Compared With White Rice?

During this time, most people prefer to consume white rice than brown rice. In fact, there are many advantages and benefits contained in brown rice. Brown rice has high content of vitamins B1, B6, and B12. As is known, vitamin B is the key to the formation of energy for the human body. Energy generation in the cells, facilitated by the adequacy of vitamin B, one of which is found in brown rice.

In addition, brown rice has a higher fiber content than white rice. The benefits of fiber among which, to interfere with the absorption of sugars in carbohydrates, as well as interfere with the absorption of fat that goes with food so it would be more healthful. Brown rice is healthier due to the higher fiber content. 

Brown rice carbohydrate content of about 77.6 grams per 100 grams. While brown rice protein content of about 7.5 grams per 100 grams of material, slightly higher than white rice, 6.8 grams per 100 grams of material. Instead of white rice, brown rice has a higher nutrient content. The most prominent mineral content in brown rice are calcium and phosphorus. Calcium levels in brown rice is 16 mg per 100 grams. Other minerals found in brown rice is selenium, because it contains 39 micrograms per 100 grams of brown rice. To get more information, you can read at brown rice nutrition post.

In some literature says, other nutritional elements contained in brown rice is phosphorus (243 mg per 100 g of material) and selenium. Selenium is a trace element (trace element) which is an essential part of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase. This enzyme acts as a catalyst in the breakdown of peroxide into a bond that is not toxic.

Peroxide can turn into free radicals that can oxidize unsaturated fatty acids in the cell membrane to the membrane damage, cause cancer, and other degenerative diseases. Because of its ability that many experts say brown rice has the potential to prevent cancer and other degenerative diseases.

Moreover the recent publication of the Harvard researchers published in the Archives of Internal Medicine states, brown rice and foodstuffs from whole Cereal is a healthier choice for diabetics, because it raises blood sugar slowly. Knowledge about the benefits of brown rice for diabetes is not new, but until now the white rice is still the favorite of many people. In a study of 200,000 Americans are known, those who ate white rice has diabetes risk 17 percent higher than those who rarely eat rice.

Conversely, people who eat brown rice risk for developing diabetes dropped by 11 percent. The same benefit is also found if we replace white rice with Cereal intact, including bread or pasta. Consumption of food high in fiber succeeded in lowering the risk of diabetes because it can lower blood sugar and insulin levels and reduce the risk of poor progression of glucose tolerance in type 2 diabetes.