Monday, March 3, 2014

12 Amazing Benefits Of Grapes For Health and Beauty

Grapes has many health benefits, because Grapes rich in antioxidants such as vitamins A and C. Grapes also contain calcium, iodine, manganese, potassium, zinc, selenium, and natural sugars like dextrose and glucose (read at grapes calories & nutrition facts). Grapes have Latin name Vitis vinifera or Vitis labrusca, this fruit including fruit plants such as creeping shrubs belonging to the family Vitaceae. The grapevines have been cultivated since 4000 BC in the Middle East. However, the processing of grapes into wine was discovered in 2500 BC by the Egyptians. Because the benefits are aplenty, so many people more incentive to cultivate them.

According to the study, a compound found in grapes, is able to increase blood flow in the arteries. Thus, this mechanism can reduce the risk of heart attack. Another benefit of the grapes are issue a free radicals, anti-oxidants because contained in it. Additionally, grapes can also make the skin stay young, because grape seed oil can remove wrinkles on the face. So in addition to having health benefits, grapes also has benefits for beauty.

8 health benefits of grapes

  1. Reduce the risk of heart disease: Consuming grapes regularly can boost levels of nitric oxide in the body. This can prevent blood clots and reduce the risk of heart disease. In addition, the content of antioxidants in grapes can also stop the oxidation of LDL cholesterol can inhibit blood vessel. LDL cholesterol is the bad cholesterol, which when excess amounts in the blood will be deposited on the walls of blood vessels to form clots that can clog blood vessels. 

  2. Eliminate disturbances in the body's digestive and kidney: Consuming grapes is very good to protect the body from indigestion. Grapes is also good to remove the acid in the kidneys. So that kidney health can be maintained.

  3. Good for people with asthma: Grapes have assimiratory strength, which helps increase the water content in the lungs. It is certainly good for asthmatics because it can reduce the problem of shortness of breath. 

  4. Controlling blood cholesterol levels: Pterostilbene is a compound in grapes that could play a role in lowering blood cholesterol levels, in addition, saponin present in grape skins that play a role in cholesterol absorption. 

  5. Treating constipation: The content of sugar, cellulose, and organic acid in grapes act as a laxative, so the consumption of grapes are believed to treat a bowel obstruction or better known as constipation.

  6. Protect the body from infection: Antivirus and content of antibacterial in grapes may protect the body from infection. 

  7. Protect your eyes from cataracts: Flavonoids in grapes instrumental in keeping the eye from damage caused by free radicals, which can also be a cause of cataracts. 

  8. Preventing breast cancer and migraines: The habit of consuming grapes juice can reduce the risk of breast cancer. Consumption of pure grapes juice without water mixture is also useful for treating migraine.

4 benefits of grapes for beauty

  1. Whiten teeth: Ripe grapes can be used as a snack menu for those who want to whiten the teeth. Malic acid contained in grapes, naturally removes stains on teeth, as well as address the discoloration of the teeth.

  2. Beautify nails: Grapes are rich in antioxidants can soften the cuticle and eliminate annoying hangnail. 

  3. Eliminate wrinkles on the face: To remove wrinkles on the face, grapes seed oil can be a solution. With rub it in the face with wrinkles before sleeping. Grape seed oil is rich in antioxidants and essential fatty acids that can make your face look younger.

  4. Eliminating black spots or acne scars: Using a mask of grapes, can eliminate dark spots or acne scars on the face. It also can make the face becomes more radiant and moist and free from the influence of harmful chemicals that generally exist on the face cleaning products.