Monday, March 3, 2014

10 Main Benefits Of Green Tea Both For Health And Beauty

Benefits of green tea to the brain has been proven through a study conducted at Newcastle University, UK. This study investigated the effects of chemicals produced by polyphenolic compounds (antioxidants bitter flavoring contained in green tea when it is digested by the body). But whether the other green tea benefits have been through the study of the experts, or just a unilateral claim? Let's check it out!

Green tea is a type of tea that is popular in Asian countries such as China and Japan. Green tea is made from the plant called Camellia Sinensis. The tea leaves are then dried by brief treatment process. This is done to preserve the natural green color and nutrients in it. There are many healthy nutrients contained in green tea such as polyphenols, flavonoids, alkaloids, amino acids, tannins, and minerals such as manganese and potassium. In addition, green tea has a higher polyphenol content compared to regular tea. Polyphenols can lower bad cholesterol in the blood and prevent blood clots.

5 main benefits of green tea for health

  1. Heart health: Tea consumption is also associated with a lower risk of heart disease and stroke. Research published by Harvard showed that people who are at least drink one cup of tea per day have 44% lower risk of having a heart attack. Several animal studies have shown that tea can also lower cholesterol.

  2. Prevent cancer: Many studies have shown that tea is very beneficial in preventing cancers, including prostate, pancreatic, breast, colorectal, esophagus, bladder, lung and stomach. Catechins found in tea prevents cell mutation, disabling certain carcinogens, and reduces the formation and growth of tumors. Drink four cups a day would probably benefit the anti-cancer.

  3. Weight loss: For this case the evidence found is not conclusive, but the content of catechins present in tea, especially green tea is able to create thermogenesis, ie heat production in the body that can burn calories. These compounds can inhibit certain chemicals in the brain, thus prolonging thermogenesis. In one study, participants who drank four cups of tea a day have higher fat oxidation (by 12%) and on average burned an extra 67 calories per day. Drink at least three cups a day is recommended to increase the body's metabolism.

  4. Bone health: Consume tea regularly, especially for more than 10 years, has been associated with a reduced risk of osteoporosis. It is estimated that tea helps reduce bone loss through antioxidant activity and anti-inflammatory. In addition, health-promoting properties of tea can suppress bone damage and boost the number and activity of bone building cells.

  5. Oral health: Along with the unfolding of natural fluoride, polyphenols and catechins as well, tea has great benefits that kills the bacteria that cause tooth decay, bad breath, and gum disease is the number one cause of tooth loss. A study published by the European Journal of Nutrition found that eating one or more cups of green tea a day may reduce the risk of tooth loss. But by adding sugar, honey, or other sweeteners can eliminate this benefit.

5 green tea benefits for beauty

In addition to its use in the medical world, it turns green tea is also beneficial in the world of beauty, even some good beauty products skin, face and hair also using green tea extract in a mixture of products, such as lotion, cream, shampoo, mouthwash, deodorant , toothpaste and many more. The content of Vit-C and E on green tea and its ability as an antioxidant believed to offset the free radicals thereby slowing the process of aging and wrinkled skin, although its use topical (outside the body). Here are some of the benefits of green tea for beauty that you must know:

  1. Maintaining healthy skin: Green tea can function naturally maintain healthy skin. It is in because green tea can protect our skin from ultraviolet rays, thus indirectly with frequent consumption of green tea can make us avoid skin cancer. In addition to preventing skin cancer, green tea as well proven to prevent skin wrinkles.

  2. Getting rid of Acne: Acne is generally caused by dirt or grease that sticks to the skin that makes the skin pores closed. Dirt, and oils that stick to the pores can be cleaned with regular consumption of green tea, green tea because of the presence of antioxidants.

  3. Prevent hair loss: Baldness is generally caused by hair loss continuously in because the hair roots or stems are less healthy. Here the role of green tea in order to avoid the risk of hair loss is because a substance found in green tea can make our hair continues to grow, and to regenerate.

  4. Eliminate puffy eyes and dark circles: Green tea was often used to eliminate dark circles in the eye area, eye puffiness or swelling, and alleviate bags under the eyes. Caffeine and tannins contained in green tea was able to overcome it all. The caffeine contained in green tea seems able to tighten the skin diarea eyes, so it is very useful to overcome eye bags. While the tannins can reduce inflammation, swelling and gives freshness diarea eyes.

  5. Overcoming oily skin: Oily skin has become a complicated issue that must be addressed. Way around that is​​, simply by pouring green tea on ice mold, put it in the fridge and let it freeze. If it is frozen, wipe the tea that had been frozen to oily. By doing it this way on a regular basis, then the oily skin problem can be resolved soon.