Monday, March 24, 2014

Amazing Mangosteen Benefits From The Flesh And Skin (Peel)

One of the amazing mangosteen benefits is to prevent cancer, not only that, fruit that has binomial name Garcinia mangostana is also gives benefits to maintain digestive health. Fiber content can help the intestine to absorb nutrients better, making the process more smoothly sewerage and bowel movements become irregular. For the long term, the mangosteen fruit can help you lose weight more effectively because your digestive system become healthy.

In fact, the mangosteen fruit contains compounds catechin and antimicrobial that can lower the risk of heart disease and even cancer. Not surprisingly, if the mangosteen fruit juice lately been promoted as a cure for various diseases, including degenerative diseases.

In addition to the fruit, mangosteen peel also has health benefits. This is because the mangosteen natural antioxidants, present in the skin. Mangosteen peel contains xanthonoids, such as mangostin, and other phytochemicals having antioxidant properties in vitro. Some studies demonstrated that juice containing mangosteen peel extracts may reduce blood levels of C-reactive protein, a biomarker of inflammation. Research on the phytochemistry of the plant without human clinical study is inadequate to assure the safety or efficacy of its use as a supplement. Some mangosteen juice products contain whole fruit purée or polyphenols extracted from the inedible exocarp (rind). The resulting juice has purple colour and astringency derived from exocarp pigments.

Here are some of the benefits of mangosteen skin:
  • Antioxidant and protective function of free radicals and diseases related to weak auto immune condition. That means, there is a decreased risk of heart disease and skin cancer. It is derived from anthocyanin substances.
  • Function of anti-inflammation and anti-cancer. It is derived from the group of xanthone compounds, especially alpha mangostin. 
  • Inhibiting the function of lowering the risk of diarrhea and hemorrhoids and other digestive related diseases. It is derived from tannins. 
  • Anti-bacterial function. Mangosteen skin are known to have compounds that can inhibit the growth of bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus bacterial strains resistant penicillin famous.

10 amazing mangosteen fruit benefits for health

  1. Mangosteen benefits to cure and prevent cancer: Now this is being done endless research on the properties of the mangosteen fruit against cancer diseases. While the research results, the extract contained in the mangosteen fruit can prevent the growth of cells in patients with leukemia, restrain the rate of cell growth in lung cancer, liver cancer, and colon cancer.

  2. Mangosteen to prevent dangerous diseases: Mangosteen fruit tackle considered dangerous diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer's, heart disease, and others. Mangosteen fruit contains xanthones substances that are useful to tackle deadly diseases as above.

  3. Against free radicals: The mangosteen fruit also contains catechins that contain antioxidants can counteract free radicals in the body. Even the content is believed to have a greater benefit than some vitamins such as vitamin C and E. 

  4. Maintain digestive health: As people age someone, then that person will be prone to diarrhea and other digestive problems. This is because the acid in the human body on the wane when age increases. Therefore, to overcome disease caused increasing age, you can consume mangosteen fruit regularly as it can be to balance your stomach work.

  5. Overcoming respiratory disorders: Mangosteen also contains xanthones, which this content can fight infection and reduce allergies so as to treat respiratory disorders and asthma. 

  6. Keeping mental abilities: Mangosteen fruit is also believed to be able to overcome some mental illnesses such as dementia, Alzheimer's, stroke and other diseases. This is because the mangosteen fruit has the benefit of keeping our mental abilities.

  7. Weight loss: Mangosteen fruit is also good for those of you who are in a diet program but you can not hold your appetite. This is because the content contained in the mangosteen fruit is believed to process food in our body for energy so it does not accumulate in the body fat and a healthier body as well as get extra energy. 

  8. Lowering cholesterol: One of the benefits of the mangosteen fruit is able to lower cholesterol levels in the body. We know that there is bad cholesterol in our body that is attached to the blood vessels. To solve this problem you can consume mangosteen fruit regularly, because the fruit has a property reduces bad cholesterol in the body.

  9. Prevent visual impairment: As mentioned at the beginning that the mangosteen fruit contains antioxidants that are beneficial, antioxidant benefits of the mangosteen fruit is also available on our vision, such as overcome cataract and glaucoma. 

  10. Treating kidney stones disease: Nutritionists strongly advise us to consume 3 ounces of the mangosteen fruit every day. This is because the mangosteen fruit has properties to prevent the occurrence of kidney stone disease, because we consume will make frequent urination.