Friday, April 25, 2014

Vitamin A Deficiency: The Effects And Symptoms That You Should Know

Vitamin deficiency A are found in some regions such as Southeast Asia, where rice that contains small amount of vitamin A, being the staple food. Some of the diseases that affect the ability of the intestine to absorb fats and fat-soluble vitamins, increases the risk of vitamin A deficiency disease is celiac disease, cystic fibrosis and bile duct obstruction.

Usually, the first symptoms of vitamin A deficiency is night blindness. Then there will be sediment (Bitot spots) on the white part of the eye (sclera) and cornea can harden and form scar tissue (xerophthalmia), which can cause permanent blindness. Malnutrition in childhood (marasmus and kwashiorkor), often accompanied by xeroftalmia; not due to a lack of vitamin A in the diet, but also because of the lack of calories and protein inhibits the transport of vitamin A. The skin and the lining of the lungs, intestines and urinary tract can be hardened. Vitamin A deficiency also causes inflammation of the skin (dermatitis) and increase the likelihood of infection. Some patients experience anemia.

Sign and symptoms of vitamin A deficiency
  • Eye problems: Vitamin A is very important to maintain the proper functioning of the human visual organ, because of Rhodopsin. Rhodopsin facilitate eye to adjust the illumination light. If you are deficient in vitamin A, then you will begin to experience blindness at night. If you continue to experience this, then you might be having xerophthalmia condition characterized by changes in the epithelial tissue of the eye that triggers the cornea becomes dry, wrinkled, and pigmented. This condition also can stop the secretion of tears by the lacrimal gland which is integral in the eye moisturizing, eliminates bacteria or foreign bodies that may be stuck in it. Xerophthalmia if not treated quickly, it will cause total blindness.
  • Skin problems: One of the most common signs of vitamin A deficiency is a drastic change in skin texture. This leads to a skin condition called xeroderma which is very dry and scaly skin that cause discomfort. Vitamin A deficiency can also trigger phrynoderma, a condition characterized by pimples in different parts of the body, such as arms, thighs, back, shoulders, abdomen, buttocks even. The disease is caused by blockage of the sweat glands which triggers all of these symptoms.
  • Breathing problems: Vitamin A deficiency is also closely associated with respiratory problems. It is usually triggered problematic lining of the nose, throat, bronchi, and trachea that becomes dry and rough. This can make all respiratory system vulnerable to bacterial infections.
  • Reproductive system problems: Lack of vitamin A in the body can also cause problems in the female reproductive organs. The signs of the most common of these diseases is vaginitis, keratinizing metaplasia in the renal pelvis, fallopian tubes, uterus bladder and other parts of the reproductive tract. If not treated quickly can lead to infertility problems.
Diseased caused by deficient of vitamin A
It is true that a lack of vitamin A can have an impact on a wide range of diseases, such as bowel and bladder, brain and spinal cord. It also resulted in skin diseases such as skin cancer, skin rough, cracked skin and measles are also a result of lack of vitamin A. In a disease that attacks the intestines and the urinary tract, where vitamin A is very influential in keeping the intestinal walls it can work optimally as its function. You also know that the intestine absorbs nutrients in a wide range of food and water.

If the intestinal wall is compromised, as a result of this reduced intake of vitamin A, and will affect the absorption of water and nutrients. The result is a urinary tract infection due to the lack of optimal absorption of water each day. So the diseases of the bowel must be treated immediately in order intake of vitamin A can be maintained and not invite other diseases associated with a deficiency of vitamin A.

Vitamin A deficiency can decrease the ability of cells to produce mucus glands and will be replaced by the epithelial cells of the scaly and dry. This causes the skin to become dry and rough and difficult to heal wounds. Mucous membranes mucus discharge can not be perfectly, will be susceptible to bacteria (infection). This mucus is very important so keep the skin moist. At a more acute experience chapped skin to skin cancer. Skin itself actually has the ability to influence the development of retinoids in epithelial cells and increases the activity of the immune system so that it can prevent skin cancer.