Monday, January 19, 2015

9 Magnificent Iodine Benefits For Health

Iodine benefits is widely well-known, but a detailed study on the relationship of iodine with human health has not been satisfactorily detailed. However, the relationship between the adequacy of iodine by the thyroid gland, is confirmed. Iodine is one of the first minerals are recognized as an essential mineral for good health. Iodine is a trace mineral that is essential for maintaining the health of the thyroid gland, which kills harmful germs, forming hormone (thyroxine) and provide energy.

In our bodies there are only a few of iodine, but even a little, this substance is very important for health. Many things can happen when the iodine in the body lost its balance. Like the other minerals, iodine is also present in the food we eat. From gastrointestinal tract, iodine is absorbed and enter the blood stream and immediately accepted by the thyroid gland. Thyroid is a gland that is large enough that there is at the bottom of the front of the neck, just below the Adam's apple or pomum Adami.

That's where the iodine is converted into thyroxine, a powerful hormone with many important functions for the body. Thyroxine regulates all activities of the various organs of the body, such as the rapid growth of a person's control, and could also affect the length of human life. People who lack the hormone thyroxine will easily feel cold. Instead, they are excess hormones thyroxine will probably always feel hot.

Continuous conditions of iodine deficiency leads to various health problems. Among them is the underdevelopment of physical and intelligence. Effects of the most easily recognizable of individuals who have deficiencies or lack of iodine is suffering from mumps. Mumps itself arises because of the occurrence of Swelling thyroid or thyroid gland is in the neck. Swelling of the thyroid gland, is not always caused by iodine deficiency, but lack of iodine, increase the risk of swelling.

Here are some of the iodine benefits for health

1. Helps metabolize: This mineral is necessary for the synthesis of thyroxine and triodotironin hormones secreted by the thyroid gland. Thyroxine controls the metabolism and oxygen consumption of tissues of the body, controlling the use of sugar, regulate the level of energy production and help the body's optimal growth.

2. Preventing heart disease: Iodine helps sintesiskolesterol, so as to reduce the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries that lead to heart attacks DAPT. Iodine also helps the process of burning fat and help increase heart rate.

3. Iodine increase sexual desire: Although it was needed in small amounts, iodine is an essential mineral that can not be ignored. The researchers believe that other than beneficial for weight loss, this mineral also plays a major role in increasing sexual desire. Even if a person is believed to iodine deficiency, then he will not last longer in bed.

4. Helps you lose weight: Considering importance of iodine in the formation of thyroid hormones in the thyroid gland which controls the body's metabolism. Then this essential mineral is important in the process of weight loss. The better your metabolism, the more likely you are to lose weight.

5. Helps brain development: Iodine plays an important role in ensuring the development of the brain, even since the age of the baby in the womb. Iodine deficiency in children can cause mental retardation.

6. Controlling blood pressure: Iodine helps the function of the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones. This together with the hormone thyroxine hormone and hormone triodotironin affect heart rate and blood pressure.

7. Healthy hair: Iodine contributed to nourish the hair and maintain healthy hair, also preventing hair loss.

8. Remove toxins from the body: Iodine helps remove toxins from the body. Iodine effectively eliminating toxic chemicals such as mercury, lead, and fluoride from the body.

9. Maintain healthy skin: Iodine play a role in maintaining healthy and smooth skin. One of the symptoms of iodine deficiency is rough skin.