When coughs attack, there are people who directly seek chemical drugs to get rid of coughs, but most prefer the traditional way like drinking lemon juice and honey. Which is actually more effective? In the website of the National Health Service (NHS) England, stated that in fact only little scientific evidence on the effectiveness of cough medicine. However some ingredients in cough medicine does reduce the symptoms that interfere with, for example, reduce fever or treat nasal congestion.
Experts in the NHS actually recommend the use of "simple medicine", and inexpensive as using honey and lemon to treat cough briefly. There is written, there is no quick way to get rid of cough caused by a viral infection. Diseases such as these usually disappear after the immune system against the virus.
Research carried out two years ago also revealed that many popular cough medicine that do not work as they claim in advertisements. Most cough medicine also have low quality, even too much sugar. Dr.Tim Ballard (vice Royal College of General Practitioners) said that, scientific evidence behind coughs medicines are very weak, and there is no research that says the drug may reduce the duration of illness. The experts also confirmed that, cough medicine not cure coughs, but helps to reduce the symptoms. When suffering from coughs to know is to recognize the symptoms of the most disturbing and select the most appropriate products.
Although briefly to cough more advisable to use natural materials, but for a cough that lasts long enough to see the doctor still recommended. Dr.Tim added, if the coughs last a long time, for example, more than a week, the child suffered, or coughs blood, causing shortness of breath, or accompanied by high fever, are advised to immediately consult a physician.
Cough is a warning, not to be underestimated!
Many people often think of coughs as a trivial condition, thus letting and hope coughs heal by itself. But actually coughs can also be a sign of more dangerous diseases such as tuberculosis. Coughing is actually the body's defense mechanisms in the airways against foreign objects that enter the body such as dust, food, smoke, to microorganisms such as bacteria or viruses. Foreign objects that stimulate the coughs center in the brain nerve, which then gave the command body muscles to coughs in order to remove foreign objects.
Cough divided into several types, one of which tuberculosis coughs caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacteria that causes Tuberculosis is transmitted through the air and from one person to another. So it's not impossible for a person can be infected with tuberculosis adjacent to others who coughs tuberculosis. However, someone who is already infected with tuberculosis bacteria is not necessarily directly showed signs of tuberculosis. Because if someone's immune system is good, then the tuberculosis bacteria will do dormancy or inactivity so called latent tuberculosis.
Therefore, if you suffer a coughs does not get better soon, it is advisable to consult a doctor immediately. In order to do further investigation to prevent or detect early the possibility of a dangerous disease.