Friday, August 21, 2015

Iron Deficiency Can Reduce Child Intelligence

The risk of iron deficiency in children, especially in the first 1,000 days of life can be bad. Lack of iron intake in children before two years, affecting less optimal brain growth. It is then lowered intelligence of children, which should not happen when a child is enough iron. According to the study, the IQ of children who lack iron on average 10-20 points below children enough iron. It means that iron is an effect on intelligence.

Pregnant women may be more familiar with folic acid than iron. In fact, the adequacy of iron greatly affects the baby's growth and intelligence. In early pregnancy, iron is required for the formation of red blood cells for the mother and fetus. Pregnant women who are iron deficient, will experience symptoms of weakness, fatigue, and lethargy. 

Iron needs during pregnancy, especially very high in the second and third trimesters, especially as nutrients to the growing fetus (read iron deficiency symptoms). If the mother is suffering from anemia risk of premature birth, or low birth weight. In addition, infants with iron deficiency, also has the potential to have a lower IQ scores a few points.

Iron is a mineral that is important in the learning process. Iron has a role in the formation of brain cells, as well as to build relationships between the cells or known as synapses. If enough iron, then the brain cells will be connected to more optimally, so that even more quickly to stimuli. In other words, more intelligent brain in response to stimuli.

At the age of less than two years or 1,000 days of life, children experience the most rapid brain development. Eighty percent of the adult brain is formed when an individual was conceived (270 days) and the first two years of life (730 days). So, if growth is not optimal in that period, the brain will not be able to keep pace achieve optimal growth.

Maintain hemoglobin within normal limits are very important because hemoglobin transports oxygen to the fetus. Therefore, it is important to reproduce the foods rich in vitamin C to increase iron absorption. Should also avoid foods that can reduce iron absorption such as tea and coffee. The calcium in milk can also reduce the absorption of iron. Do not forget to always consume iron rich foods, such as spinach, fish, yogurt and so on.