Coriander commonly used as a spice in cooking, almost all regions of the world to use as a spice. But, coriander which has the Latin name Coriandrum sativum L also has health benefits as well as a spice in cooking. Extraordinary benefits of coriander is to kill the bacteria and prevent food poisoning, other important coriander health benefits can be used as lowering high cholesterol levels. According to a team of researchers from Portugal, coriander effective to kill 12 strains of bacteria. In their study used oil generated from coriander plant. Fluid containing less than 1.6 percent of coriander oil is effective for killing bacteria including salmonella cells, E.colil, as well as bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. Coriander oil can be used as a natural alternative to conventional antibiotics. Results were published in the Journal of Medical Microbiology.

Coriander seeds contains eleven components of essential oils, 6 types of acidic compounds (including ascorbic acid or vitamin C), various minerals and vitamins, each of which has its own contribution in improving the quality of human health.
Coriander Seeds Health Benefits
Lowering high cholesterol levelsA variety of acid compounds contained within coriander such linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and ascorbic acid are known to be effective in lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. In addition, these compounds are also known to reduce cholesterol deposits in the arteries and veins.
Helps the digestive system
Essential oil variations content in coriander can assist in the secretion of enzymes and digestive fluids in the stomach. In addition, it can also stimulate the digestive process by increasing peristaltic motion in the digestive tract. The essential oils in coriander also helps in overcoming anorexia.
Overcoming Anemia
The content of iron in the coriander can assist in overcoming anemia.
Treating Diarrhea
Borneol and linalool component in coriander help the digestive process and improve liver function and the binding process faecal mass in the intestine, it helps in overcoming diarrhea. Apart through these mechanisms, components in coriander such as cineol, borneol, limonene, alpha-pinene and beta-phelandrene possess antibacterial activity so efficacious in overcoming diarrhea caused by bacteria.
Overcoming swelling
The content of cineole, which is one of 11 components of essential oils, and linoleic acid contained in the coriander has antirheumatic properties and anti-arthritis, the two properties are the reason that coriander can be used to treat swelling caused by rheumatism and arthritis.
Menstrual disorders
Coriander naturally stimulates the secretion of hormones and helps order of the endocrine glands, making it useful in maintaining order and reducing menstrual pain that may arise.
The content of antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin C and minerals like phosphorus in the essential oils coriander efficacious in maintaining eye health, keep your eyes from maskular degeneration and soothe the eye in the fight against stress caused by fatigue look. In addition, the content of antimicrobials in coriander is also beneficial in helping to overcome conjunctivitis.
Overcoming skin disorders
Coriander is also efficacious in dealing with eczema, dry skin and fungal infection of the skin.
Reduce high blood sugar levels
Stimulatory effects of cumin coriander contained in the endocrine glands will increase the secretion of insulin from the pancreas. Will assist in converting sugar into glycogen and eventually high blood sugar levels can go down to normal levels. It is very beneficial for people with diabetes.
Other coriander health benefits
To treat inflammation, spasm, expectorant, protects the liver, anticarcinogenic, anticonvulsants, antihistamines, and hypnotics. Furthermore, coriander is also believed to act as a natural afrodisiaka when combined with other herbaceous plants.
Coriander seeds nutrient content

Taken from USDA National Nutrient data base