Monday, February 24, 2014

20 Foods High In Iron (Iron Rich Foods That You Should Consume!)

Why we need foods that high in iron? Because iron has a very important function, which is to transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and transports electrons in the process of energy generation in the cell. Iron needs depending on gender and age. Iron combines with oxygen in the lungs and release oxygen in the blood that requires. Iron is used in the manufacture of hemoglobin and essential role in the normal functioning of the immune system.

Iron deficiency causes inhibition of hemoglobin in the blood supply. Disease due to lack of hemoglobin (red blood cells) is called anemia. The symptoms are characterized by less passionate, tiredness and weakness, pallor and dizziness. Iron deficiency can be overcome by consuming iron rich foods such as spinach, potatoes, beef, etc..

Sufficiency is recommended for children 2-6 years is 4.7 mg / day, aged 6-12 years 7.8 mg / day, males 12-16 years of 12.1 mg / day, 21 girls 12-16 years old, 4 mg / day, adult males 8.5 mg / day, adult women of childbearing age 18.9 mg / day, menopause 6.7 mg / day, and lactation 8.7 mg / day. To meet daily needs of iron based on daily requirements above, you can consume foods high in iron list below.

20 iron rich foods

5 foods high in iron from vegetables
Green vegetables such as spinach, caisin and others, is one type of green vegetable that is easily obtainable. The leaves on green vegetables are rich in iron. In 100 grams of green spinach contains 3.5 mg of iron, 16 kcal of energy. While in every 100 grams caisin containing 1.9 mg of iron and 20 kcal of energy.
  1. Potato: Potato skins, probably most of us do not eat the skin of the potatoes. It turns out, the study found that the potatoes skin have iron five times larger than its own flesh. Based on USDA nutrient data base, in every 100 of potato skin (raw), contain 3.24 mg of iron

  2. Spinach: Spinach is a vegetable which helps us to bind iron . With spinach we can bind a lot of iron, and the spinach was already known to reduce the symptoms of anemia . According to USDA, in every 100 gr of raw spinach contain 2.71 mg of iron. Meanwhile in every 100 gr of boiled spinach (drained, without salt), contain 3.57 mg of iron.

  3. Corn: Corn is rich in iron and copper, corn is also a good source of vitamin A and C. In every 100 gr of white sweet corn, contain 0.52 mg of iron (USDA Nutrient data base)

  4. Kale: Kale is an excellent source of vitamin A and vitamin B and C. Kale contains high amounts of iron, calcium, and potassium. In every 100 gr of raw kale, contain 1.47 mg of iron. While in the same size of boiled kale (drained, without salt), contain 0.8 mg of iron.

  5. Chard: Chard is a vegetable that contains vitamin A and iron, in every 100 gr of Swish chard, contain 1.8 mg of iron.
4 foods high in iron from fruits 
  1. Apricot: This fruit contains iron which is perfect to make sure the body gets iron intake. In every 100 gr of fresh apricot, contain 0.39 mg of iron

  2. Beet green: Beet greens are a source of vitamins A and B2. Beet greens can also enrich the blood with iron and manganese. In every 100 of fresh beet green, contain 2.57 mg of iron.

  3. Oranges: Orange help combat diseases caused by lack of vitamin C, because oranges contain folic acid. In every 100 gr of oranges with peel, contain 0.80 mg of iron

  4. Prune: Prune fruit, is a type of fruit that has a lot of iron compared apples and papayas. In the prune juice contained 3mg iron. So try this fruit to facilitate the circulation of our blood throughout the body. USDA wrote, in every 100 gr of canned prune juice, contain 1.18 mg of iron.
3 foods high in iron from animals
  1. Eggs: Eggs are rich in all minerals, including iron, and vitamin B. Eggs very ideal consumed at breakfast, because it contains a sufficient amount of energy. The highest iron content of eggs is in egg yolk, which every 100 gr of it, contain 2.73 mg of iron.

  2. Beef: In 100 grams of fresh beef contains 201 kcal of energy, 14 grams of fat, and 2.8 mg of iron. 

  3. Fish: Seafoods is believed to rich in omega-3 and 6. Baronang fish known to contain as much as 3.8 mg of iron per 100 grams. While, sardines contain 2.5 mg of iron per 100 grams. Salmon is the main source of protein and omega 3 fatty acids.
5 foods high in iron from processed foods
  1. Wheat bread: In addition to wheat bread contains iron which is high enough, it also has the function of wheat bread to prevent heart disease and cancer. 

  2. Raisins: Raisins are alkaline foods and can help overcome the acidic conditions of the body. 

  3. Cereals: Food is often served for breakfast menu is very good for health. ¾ cup of cereal contains 18 mg of iron. While 100 grams of instant oatmeal contains 11 mg of iron. 

  4. Dried Fruit: Apple, pear, apricot and peach are most often dried fruit. But dried fruits that contain lots of iron is raisins and plums. In ½ cup raisins contained 1.9 mg of iron, and in 1 cup prunes contained 1 mg of iron. 

  5. Non-fat yogurt or skim milk: At a minimum you will get one-third of the calcium content in one cup per day. Calcium will build and maintain bone health.
3 foods high in iron from nuts 
Nuts have enough iron. In 100 grams of beans contained 5 mg of iron and 102 mg of calcium. So for iron, nuts can help us spread the oksegine in the body. 
  1. Peanuts, green beans and soy beans: They are kind of nuts are easily processed. 100 grams of soybeans containing 381 kcal of energy, and 10 mg of iron. While the green beans contains 323 kcal of energy and 7.5 iron per 100 grams. 

  2. Lentils: Lentils are a small round shape and it can be presented to the daily menu. It can be made sweet soup or porridge. In 1 cup of lentils contains 6.6 mg of iron. 

  3. Brown rice: In every 100 gr of brown rice (long-grain, raw), contain 1.47 mg of iron.