Wednesday, April 23, 2014

10 Vitamin C Foods (Fruits) That Higher Than Oranges

Vitamin C Foods. Due to the many benefits of vitamin C, then we need to pay attention to the daily needs of food containing vitamin C. The most popular vitamin C food is oranges, but there are still many other fruits and vegetables that can give us more vitamin C intake. Kiwi fruit for an example, based on USDA Nutrient data base, green kiwi fruit contains almost two times more of vitamin C than oranges. So, change your mindset, that best vitamin C foods is only oranges.

Daily requirement of vitamin C every person is different, depending on the habits of each. In adolescents, the effect of which habits are smoking, drinking coffee, or alcoholic beverages, the consumption of certain medications such as anti-seizure medications, antibiotics tetracycline, anti arthritis, sleeping pills, and oral contraceptives. Smoking habits eliminate 25% of vitamin C in the blood. In addition to other compounds that affect nicotine just as bad is caffeine. Besides stress, fever, infection, and exercise also increases the need for vitamin C.

Based on US government vitamin C recommendations, RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) of vitamin C for adult male is 90 mg per day. While RDA of vitamin C for female is 75 mg per day.

  1. Cashew (Anacardium occidentale): Yes, who would have thought a tropical fruit originally from Northeast Brazil has a super vitamin C content as high as 265 mg per 100 grams of fruit or 5 times more than oranges. Surely the question is part of cashew fruit flesh.

  2. Common Guava (Psidium Guava): Fruits also originally came from Brazil is usually sold in a type of flesh-colored red or white. It does not matter which red or white, rich guava contains up to 228 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams of fruit or almost 5 times more than oranges. No need to worry about constipation as a result of eating guava. 100 grams of guava, roughly the size of a 1 medium sized guava fruit. It is already sufficient daily requirement of vitamin C as much as 2.5 times.

  3. Kiwifruit: As noted above, kiwi fruit contains more vitamin C compared to oranges. Generally there are two types of kiwi, yellow (golden) and green. Golden kiwifruit or kiwi are colored yellow, Carries nutrients higher than green. 100 grams of kiwi contains 93 mg of vitamin C, or almost about 2 times more than oranges.

  4. Longan (Dimocarpus longan): tropical fruit native to Southeast Asia and South Asia, have been declared threatened nearly extinct by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the conservation status of the species inventory institutions the world's most credible biology. Per 100 grams of longan contains 84 mg of vitamin C or 1.75 times more than oranges.

  5. Lychee: Lychee is the sole member of the genus Litchi in the soapberry family, Sapindaceae. Lychee tree grows in tropical climates. The fruit is commonly found in China, India, Madagascar, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, southern and central Taiwan, northern Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, South Africa and Mexico. Fruit that smells fragrant, sweet and sour taste is full of vitamin C up to 71 mg per 100 grams of fruit or almost 1.5 times more than oranges.

  6. Diospyros kaki: 100 gr of diospyros kaki contains 66 mg of vitamin C. The fruit is native to China's already difficult to find.

  7. Papaya: Who would have thought, it turns papaya contains more vitamin C than oranges. 100 grams of papaya contain vitamin C is 62 mg. Fruit native to Mexico and northern South America is often consumed because it is known to prevent constipation.

  8. Pomelo: Also called shaddock, pummelo, pommelo, or lusho fruit) is a crisp citrus fruit native to South and Southeast Asia. Pomelo contains vitamin C as much as 61 mg per 100 grams of fruit or still higher than regular oranges.

  9. Strawberry: Fruit that has Fragaria × ananassa binomial name is, contain as much as 59 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams for. So it is still higher than oranges.

  10. Pineapple: Fruit from Brazil and Paraguay is one of the fruits that contain vitamin C high. The number reached 56 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams of fruit, especially for varieties that tastes very sweet.