Wednesday, April 23, 2014

9 Amazing Vitamin C Benefits Which Should Not Be Underestimated

Vitamin C has many benefits for human health, such as preventing various diseases caused by free radicals, boost immunity and various other great benefits. Vitamin C is one type of vitamin that is soluble in water and has an important role in warding off various diseases. This vitamin is also known by the chemical name of which is the main form of ascorbic acid. Some of the characteristics include very easily oxidized by heat, light, and metal.

Vitamin C is required for maintaining the structure of collagen, a protein that is a network that connects all fibers, skin, tendons, cartilage, and other tissues in the human body. Collagen structure that can both heal broken bones, bruises, minor bleeding, and minor injuries. Vitamin C also plays an important role in helping the absorption of iron and sharpen awareness.

As an antioxidant, vitamin C can neutralize free radicals throughout the body. Through a laxative effect, it also can increase the vitamini disposal of feces or dirt. Vitamin C is also able to ward off cancer-causing nitrites. Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that the formation of nitrosamines (the end result of digestion of foods that contain nitrites) in the body a number of students who were given vitamin C was reduced to 81%.

Hipoaskorbemia (ascorbic acid deficiency) can result in cracked state scorbut tongue, both in the mouth and stomach, rough skin, healthy gums are not so easily swayed and loose teeth, bleeding under the skin (around the eyes and gums), rapid fatigue, muscle weak and depressed. In addition, ascorbic acid is also correlated with other health problems, such as high cholesterol, heart disease, arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis), and colds. Here are benefits of vitamin C for human health

  1. Preventing stroke: There is plenty of evidence that a diet high in antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, helps ward off cardiovascular disease. However, several important studies showed that those with the highest levels of vitamin C in their body are at the lowest risk for suffering a stroke (particularly in women). 

  2. Controlling blood pressure: High blood pressure is a dangerous disease and can cause sudden death in people who are suffering. Taking vitamin C at the recommended doses on a regular basis can reduce blood pressure and heart and kidney damage. 

  3. Against cancer: Some studies have shown that some women who consume a lot of vitamin C from foods such as fruits or vegetables (not supplements), have a lower risk of developing breast cancer. In fact some research indicates vitamin C as toxic to certain cancer cells.

  4. Avoid the risk of asthma: A study shows that people who suffer from asthma usually have a less amount of vitamin C in their bodies. Therefore taking vitamin C every day can reduce shortness of breath.

  5. Improve mood: Since always been known that a deficiency of vitamin C can cause psychological changes. Not long ago, researchers from McGill University shows that vitamin C supplementation (500 mg twice daily) for hospitalized patients who are deficient in vitamin C, can significantly help improve their mood. 

  6. Reduce the risk of diabetes: Vitamin C is beneficial for lowering sugar levels in the body and help prevent the adverse effects of diabetes on the sufferer. Replace sugary snacks with fruit juice or other fruits that contain vitamin C. 

  7. Reduce cramping after exercise: Vitamin C can reduce pain or cramping that usually happens after you exercise. Vitamin C is also able to reduce the production of free radicals.

  8. Treating vaginal infections: Infections of the vagina is the most common cause of vaginal discharge and usually cause odor, which affects up to 30 percent of pregnant women, and one-tenth of women who are not pregnant. Two recent studies have shown that vitamin C vaginal tablets (250 mg for six days) to treat bacterial vaginosis (BV) by lowering the pH of the vagina and restore to its original state.

  9. Improves skin: Vitamin C is an antioxidant that is most needed by the skin, where it helps neutralize free radicals that accumulate as a result of sun exposure and age. Dr. Mariusz Sapijaszko (medical director of Youthful Image Clinic of Cosmetic Surgery and a professor of dermatology at the University of Alberta) said, giving vitamin C in combination with other materials, repair multiple signs of aging including fine lines, uneven pigmentation, skin color and texture.